Tuesday, May 18, 2010

SureSmile lands on CNN! From Dr. Stevens

We've blogged about SureSmile treatment in the past, and today wanted to share with a clip of SureSmile being discussed by Dr. Sanjay Gupta on CNN this week!

In the video, Dr. Gupta spotlights a Maryland teenager named Jessica Thompson, who wasn't particularly thrilled about traditional braces, and chose SureSmile as her treatment. Jessica is not alone - more and more people are choosing SureSmile as their treatment option.

With SureSmile treatment at Stevens Orthodontics in Tallahassee, getting braces sure isn’t what it used to be. Dr. Stevens' patients get fantastic results in less time with this remarkable technology and typically spend less time in braces, need fewer office visits, experience less discomfort and ultimately greater results.

To learn more about SureSmile treatment at Stevens Orthodontics, we invite you to give us a call at 850-385-2822!

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